[title style=’1′ ]Cultural Events[/title]
[center ][title style=’1′ ]Envision 2016[/title][/center]
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[center ][title style=’1′ ]Envision 2015[/title][/center]
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[center ][title style=’1′ ]Envision 2014[/title][/center]
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[center ][title style=’1′ ]Envision 2012[/title][/center]
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[title style=’1′ ]Monthly Scientific Meetings[/title]
June-2016: The scientific meeting for the month of June 2016 was organised on 9th June 2016.
Speaker: Dr. Pragya Trivedi, Department of Prosthodontics
Topic: A study of iatrogenic damage to adjacent teeth during crown and bridge preparation.
Fixed prosthodontics is a major component of restorative dentistry. The guiding principle in medical ethics is “to cause no harm”, which raises a controversial question on crown preparations when we consider iatrogenic damage to adjacent tooth surfaces. The Oxford dictionary defines iatrogenic damage to be those that are “caused by examination or treatment”. This topic is not commonly discussed as it is difficult for health care professionals to accept that unnecessary harm can happen to patients during a routine procedure such as a cavity or crown preparations. In dentistry, the risk of iatrogenic damage during restorative procedures is high due to the fact that high-speed cutting instruments are used with indirect vision and teeth are in close contact. Breaking through the contact points is when iatrogenic damage is most likely to happen. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and extent of iatrogenic damages associated with crown and bridge preparations, reported among the post graduate dental students of Madhya Pradesh state.
[title style=’1′ ]Conferences, CDE, Workshops & Hands-On Courses[/title]
[center ][title style=’1′ ]Department of Pedodontics CDE – 2016[/title][/center]
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[boxed ]CDE Programme & Workshop on “Nasoalveolar Moulding” conducted by Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, in collaboration of Dept. of Orthodontics, association with Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry (ISPPD) in Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, Jabalpur on 17th March 2016. This workshop was organized by team of Dr. Deepak P Bhayya, Dr. Tarulatha R Shyagali. Dr. Vidhyasagar Mopagar, Dean, Rural Dental Colllege, Loni was the guest speaker of this workshop. Total 40 students registered for the workshop from various colleges from Madhya Pradesh. [/boxed]
[center ][title style=’1′ ]Department of Orthodontics CDE – 2016[/title][/center]
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[boxed ]Dept. of Orthodontics has conducted a one day CDE Programme on “Clear K – Line” 7th April 2016 at Hitkarini Dental College auditorium. The CDE was conducted by the eminent guest Speakers Dr. Gurkeerat Singh (New Delhi) and Dr. Ajay Kumawat. Over 50 Delegates from Central India attended of this CDE was graced by Mr. Vishwamohan, Secretary Hitkarini Sabha, Dr. R S Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University. The whole CDE was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Rajesh B Dhirawani, Director, Hitkarini Dental College, Dr. K T Chandrashekar, Dean, Hitkarini Dental College and Dr. Tarulatha Shyagali, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Orthodontics. [/boxed]
[center ][title style=’1′ ]Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology- 2015[/title][/center]
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[boxed ]Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, HDCH recently conducted one day hands on workshop on the topic “CBCT – A Paradigm in Maxillofacial Imaging”. The inauguration ceremony was graced by Smt. Sunaina Pateria (Governing Council member, HDCH) as a chief guest. 50 registered participants attended the workshop. Dr. Prashant Jaju invited as Guest Speaker from Bhopal and also conducted hands on workshop. Dr. Meghna Deodhar 2nd speaker spoke on “Digital Dentistry – CAD/CAM” [/boxed]
[center ][title style=’1′ ]Department of Conservative Dentistry CDE- 2015[/title][/center]
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[center ][title style=’1′ ]18th National Workshop Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – 2014[/title][/center]
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[center ][title style=’1′ ]32nd IDA Conference – 2012[/title][/center]
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[center][title]Gujarati Mandal Satellite Dental Clinic[/title]
[boxed ]Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital is committed to provide patients with the highest quality dental care through caring attitudes and excellence in treatment processes. This care has also been expanded to our Gujarati Mandal satellite Dental Clinic located in Marhataal, Jabalpur. It is an attempt by Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital to provide dental services at the doorstep of Jabalpur people. Opened in November 2012, the Gujarati Mandal satellite Dental Clinic is providing comprehensive oral care to children, adults and senior citizens.[/boxed]
[title]Camps & Public Health Activities[/title]
[title]Free Dental Check-up and Treatment camps – 2015[title]
Free Dental Check-up and Treatment camps for remote, underserved and underprivileged population
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[title]International Youth Day 2015[title]
[title]School Oral Health Check-up and Awareness Camp at Hitkarini Girls Senior Secondary School, B.T. Tiraha,Jabalpur. – 2014 [/title]
Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital has organised a School Oral Health Check-up and Awareness Camp at HitkariniGirls Senior Secondary School, B.T. Tiraha, Garha, Jabalpur. A team of 09 Dental Surgeons from the Department of Public Health Dentistry and Department of Pedodonticsconducted this dental camp from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on 17th December.
Nearly 800 school children from KG to 12th Class were examined during this camp. Along with the dental check-up there was an oral health awareness program by the team of Dental surgeons. Children were explained about the various oral diseases and the methods of prevention from them. They were demonstrated about the correct method of brushing. Hazards of tobacco and other deleterious habits were also explained to them. Also, free tooth pastes and tooth brushes were distributed to the School children.
[title]Participation of Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital in ” Nari Samman Chetana Human Chain” – 2013[/title]
Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital has participated in “Nari Samman Chetana Human Chain” on 16 December 2013. This citywide event was organized by Smt. Pragya Richa Shrivastava, Inspector General of Police (Crime against women Branch) and Collector, Jabalpur to make citizens aware of women’s dignity. Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital organized this human chain from Nehra Company to Rani Durgawati University Campus from 1:20 PM to 1:35 PM.
In this event Dr. R.B. Dhirawani (Director, Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital), Dr. K. T. Chandrashekar (Dean, Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital), Head of the Departments, faculties and students participated to contribute for the awareness.
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[title]Free Checkup – Dental Camp – at Hitkarini School -2013 [/title]
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[title]Free Checkup – Dental Camp – at Govt. Deaf School – 2013[/title]
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[title]Oral Hygiene Day Celebration – 2012[/title]
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